the web home of Dan Rose
Here is a sample of the books and articles I've published:
From Mathematics to
Generic Programming by A.A. Stepanov and D.E. Rose
(Addison-Wesley, 2015).
This book is about how knowing some key mathematical concepts can make you a better programmer. It interweaves historical stories with mathematical ideas and modern computing practices. The book was one of the top 10 algorithms books on Amazon.com for several months following its release.
"SIMD-Based Decoding of Posting Lists" by
A.A. Stepanov, A.R. Gangolli, D.E. Rose, R.J. Ernst, P. Oberoi,
2011 Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM).
This paper introduces a new technique for posting list compression that improves performance by 50% over previously known methods, making search indexes faster to access.
"Crowdsourcing for Relevance
Evaluation" by D.E. Rose and O. Alonso, SIGIR Forum, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2008.
This paper describes how to use Amazon Mechanical Turk to conduct large-scale, low-cost evaluation of search engine relevance.
User Goals in Web Search" by D.E. Rose and D. Levinson,
2004 International World Wide Web Conference.
Previous web search studies looked at what people were searching for; we looked at why they were searching, and we identified a taxonomy of different search goals.